Visual Clinic is a Massachusetts based Company specializing in LEAN methodologies and products for Hospitals, Surgical Centers and Physician practices. Previous to Visual Clinic Dan was Vice President of Global Sales and Corporate Development atAMD Global Telemedicine Inc. (AMD). Dan’s vision, creativity and leadership inspired the development of the industry leading, browser based clinical telemedicine platform with true, real time communications and medical device aggregation; AGNES Interactive®. Additionally, he has conceptualized and has the lead the rollout of the first product to combine Lean, Six Sigma methodologies, patient/doctor workflows and clinical telemedicine; ExamFlow. In her spare time, Alison enjoys being active by running and hiking, traveling, and photography. Most importantly, she loves to spend quality time with her Husband, family and friends.
Sober Living in Lowell, Massachusetts
Robert has served on the Lowell Taxi & Livery Commission, Immigration Assistance Commission, Lowell Youth Development Collaborative, Lowell Telecommunications Corporation Board of Directors. Prior to Masshire, Shaun was the Director of the Working Cities Lowell Initiative which is funded through the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s Working Cities Challenge grant program. Working Cities Lowell was a cross-sector coalition of 13 core institutions working with residents and business owners in the Acre neighborhood of Lowell. Paul is also a strong supporter of many non-profits throughout the Merrimack Valley, serving as the Entertainment Director for the Salvation Army radiothon, which helps so many families in need in the region. While he is very busy professionally working as a truck driver, professional musician and fishing boat captain, Paul stills find time to give back to his community.
Residential Treatment Programs
Grace Space Review Harbor House is a certified men’s sober living home operated by Lashaun Woodliff, a Review Harbor House Chartered Operator who will run this new sober living home in Lowell, Massachusetts. Lashaun also operates the Grace Space Greenfield Sober House in Greenfield, Massachusetts. “We stand here now knowing that in just a few days, another nine women will live in a safe, affordable and supportive environment where they can continue their recovery,” Gignac said.
The Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Living is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to support recovery guests throughout Massachusetts and to practice national quality standards for recovery residences. The challenges I faced were also met with people who saw potential in me and helped me to start my journey. I attended Cambridge College in 2006 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Human Service in 2010.
- A New Hampshire native born and raised, who attended local schools and graduating with a bachelor’s in Communication and Business from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH.
- Encouraged by the Megan’s House Foundation, she returned to school and completed state requirements to become a licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor.
- He enjoys spending time with his family, hiking and golf in addition to working and volunteering.
- The Megan House Foundation, Inc features two Success Homes which provide transitional supportive housing partially funded by the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services.
‘Believe in recovery’: Sober living…
While at UAM, Sue was an officer in their Corporate Development Group and a member their Operations Team. Sue received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, magna cum laude, from Merrimack College. As a seasoned educator, coach and marketing executive, Ms. Coimbra brings with her an understanding and background of youth in our community. Ms. Coimbra graduated from Bradford College as senior class president, is completing an additional graduate degree in education and teaches fifth grade at the Academy of Notre Dame in Tyngsboro, MA. She started a program at NDA that allows her students to complete charity work through the Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur Hallmarks. Danielle Murphy Coimbra was born and raised in Lowell, MA where she currently resides with her mother, son and golden retriever Winston.
Franchek passed away only months after she graduated from Megan’s House. Transitional housing is temporary housing for the working homeless population and is set up to transition their residents to permanent housing. The rebrand comes after a year of interviewing staff and community partners and bringing in a third-party agency to help develop the brand. The board voted unanimously to transition to Riverbend at their September board meeting which also welcomed three new Directors to the board.
Merrimack Valley Conference honors top boys, girls cross country runners
Louise is a strong advocate for education, support, Review Review Harbor House recovery and treatment. University of Massachusetts LowellA nationally ranked, public research institution, partof the University of Massachusetts system. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs including Online and Continuing Education programs. State Rep. Kate Donaghue, D-Westboro, shared her own personal connection with the epidemic — her only child, Brian, died of an overdose. She offered a moment of silence for him, Emma and all those who lost their lives to drugs. The drug epidemic started taking over Lowell and surrounding communities close to 12 years ago, when Ryan created a task force to combat addiction.